How the Gold Standard caused the Great Depression with a little help from Washington and unchecked credit expansion?

How the Gold Standard caused the Great Depression with a little help from Washington and unchecked credit expansion?
“Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets.”
– WH Auden, Epitaph on a Tyrant
Mindless dogma, money supply that broadens, and a stanza of W.H. Auden’s
“It’s sort of like what kids make with chewing gum but I just can’t figure”
Bookstores bombed, a speechless-downtrodden, and a poem from W.H. Auden
Greenspan or Black Box?
A new wave of populists
By Vedant Singh Vishwanath The liberalised Indian economy has seen three major economic downturns that will forever be etched, not only into the hearts and minds of the people that lived through them, but also into the carvings of eternity. The first of these downturns was the slowdown of 1997, which lasted in some form…
– Vedant Singh Vishwanath The Strait of Hormuz is something that anyone who’s been following political news for the past few weeks would’ve heard about, yet something that may not be considered an alarming matter for our nation. The Strait of Hormuz is a strategically important strait or narrow strip of water that links the Persian Gulf with the Gulf…
– Vedant Singh Vishwanath Ronald Reagan was arguably one of the Greatest Republican presidents of the United States since World War II, who entered office in an era where economic crisis was eminent; and took America to less than half of the inflation at the beginning of his term and more than triple the GDP…
– Vedant Singh Vishwanath Today as global policy makers seem to recede back into the 17th century of protectionism and barriers of unwanted sorts; in trade, in culture, in immigration and even in humanity, something that people can’t stop talking about is the trade war. So before I talk of “ free trade v/s fair…